Implementations and proof of concept

In this examples I want to show some of the implementations and how they are used as a proof of concept. This means that we will use the "low-level API", i.e. calling the methods directly instead of the optimize interface.

Further, we wish to show that the implementations can at least solve some of the most common benchmark optimization problems.

Before we start, I will define a seed and an RNG to enable reproducibility of the results presented here.

using Random

RANDOM_SEED = 458012;
rng = MersenneTwister(RANDOM_SEED);

Nonlinear $d$-dimensional global optimization problem

Using Newtman.jl is fairly straightforward, we will start by defining an d-dimensional nonlinear function to minimize, in this case we will use a popular function, the Griewank function defined as

\[f(\mathbf{x}) = \sum_{i=1}^d \frac{x_i^2}{4000} - \prod_{i=1}^d \cos{\left( \frac{x_i}{\sqrt{i}}\right)} + 1\]

where $d$ is the dimension of the problem. It's mostly evaluated within the boundaries $-100 \leq x_i \leq 100$, and it has a minimum at $\mathbf {x^*} = (0, \cdots, 0)$, and it evaluates to $f(\mathbf{x^*}) = 0$.

We define the function in Julia like this

function griewank(x)
    first_term = sum(x.^2) / 4000
    # This variable will hold the result of the product,
    # the second term in the function definition from above
    second_term = 1.0
    for (idx, val) in enumerate(x)
        second_term *= cos(val / sqrt(idx))

    return first_term - second_term + 1.0

Now, we wish to find the minimum of this function, and fortunately we know the true value so we can compare it later, we can use some of the implementations from Newtman.jl, for example, PSO. In this script we have chosen 30 particles within the population, d is equal to 20, next we define the boundaries and finally we declare that the algorithm will run for 20000 maximum iterations until it stops, having converged.

using Newtman

val = PSO(
    Population(35, 10, -600.0, 600.0, rng),
Results from Optimization
	Algorithm: PSO
	Solution: [-1.2951243253091765e-6, 4.103266843628412e-6, -1.9912163226147196e-6, 4.4936413741072556e-6, 2.813628268436206e-6, 1.1256507815651895e-5, 9.97929061647118e-7, -3.0759921634749986e-6, 2.394042272909523e-6, -5.820201386836871e-6]
	Minimum: 0.0000
	Maximum iterations: 20000

Within a certain tolerance of about $\epsilon = 1 \times 10^{-6}$ we have found the global minimum of the function. We can actually check the value with the evaluation, notice that it actually returns 0, as expected.


Nonlinear 2-dimensional global optimization problem

Let us now tackle one of the most common optimization problems, which is finding the minimum of the Rosenbrock function which is a non-convex function, meaning that is does not have just one minimum or stationary point, it has several, so it is a difficult problem for classical optimization algorithms. In this example we will try to solve it using the SimulatedAnnealing implementation from Newtman.jl.

First, we define the Rosenbrock function in Julia

rosenbrock2d(x) =  (1.0 - x[1])^2 + 100.0 * (x[2] - x[1]^2)^2;

We will apply the Simulated Annealing algorithm to find the global optimum

val = SimulatedAnnealing(
    rosenbrock2d, -5.0, 5.0, 2, rng; low_temp=10_000
Results from Optimization
	Algorithm: SimulatedAnnealing
	Solution: [1.028674409182762, 1.0597525306225808]
	Minimum: 0.0011
	Maximum iterations: 10000

Again, within a certain tolerance we find the expected result which is

\[\mathbf{x}^{*} = (1, 1)\]

and if we account for rounding errors and floating-point arithmetic, we can safely take this result as the best.

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