A primer on numerical optimization

Optimization is a huge subject, and I don't think Newton even realized this when discovering Calculus, where optimization has its roots. Basically, in optimization we are trying to find the best possible solution to a given problem. Worded in this way it seems that optimization is actually everywhere we look around, which is so very true, optimization is everywhere!

Say you like to run, and you look at your milage, timings and so on; you start to wonder, what is the best way to improve my timings? How can I maximize it?

Now imagine that you have some money to spare and you wish to invest it. What type of investment will return the largest profit and will also minimize the possible risk of losing money?

Optimization has been a major subject within analysis, the major branch of mathematics where most of its arguments come from. In mathematical language, we define an optimization problem as follows

\[\text{minimize} f(\mathbf{x}), \quad \mathbf{x} \in \mathbb{R} \\ \text{subject to } h(\mathbf{x}) = 0, \\ \text{and }g(\mathbf{x}) \leq 0 .\]

h and g are referred to as constraint functions, and the full expressions with their equalities and inequalities are simply called constraints. When we have a problem like this, we call this a constrained optimization problem.

On the other hand, if we only define the problem as

\[\text{minimize} f(\mathbf{x}),\quad \mathbf{x} \in \mathbb{R}\]

we are talking about an unconstrained optimization problem.

The goal of optimization is to find the vector $\mathbf{x}$ that gives the lowest possible value for f given all the constraints, if any. The classic way to achieve this is by using derivatives and derivative tests, and throughout the years mathematicians have developed very rigorous and robust algorithms to find these values. Almost every procedure uses derivatives because Newton and Gauss taught us that these converge faster and more precisely to the true values. But recently, stochastic optimization algorithms, were randomness is used to guide the search for the best value, have been very popular and widely used within the scientific community.

This is a very, very small space to talk about optimization, but the following references should get you started right away. [1], [2] and [3].

On Convergence

Convergence is a very strong word in mathematics, and it actually has lots of definitions depending on the specific branch of mathametics it is used. Here we shall use the numerical analysis definition, which is simply stated as a limit. We wish to obtain a value, whatever it is, in a finite time.

We may employ tolerance values where we argue that a given solution is close to the real value that I know of. We can see this in the example above, where we know that the true value is a vector filled with zeros, but we don't actually obtain zeros, instead we get close values to zeros within a certain tolerance: in this scenario we can say that the optimization algorithm has converged.

If, on the other hand, we rely on the number of maximum iterations then we can safely claim that when the algorithm has run for the number of maximum iterations then it has converged. Is that so? At least, in the realm of approximation algorithms we can safely claim that this is true.

But don't take my word for it, in reality this is a very serious mathematical topic and should not be taken so slightly. Actually, every algorithm ever implemented must have a convergence analysis carried out for it, to ensure that either it will stop at some time or that it will given the desired result.

The basics of nature and bio-inspired metaheuristics

Nature and bio-inspired metaheuristics work by means of two fundamental heuristics: exploration and exploitation.

First, exploration is leveraged through the use of random numbers, these are created to try to cover most of the search space, i.e. the set of possible values that can be considered the solution to a given optimization problem. When exploring the search space, metaheuristics try to search as efficiently as possible, and most algorithms use uniform sampling to try and cover most, if not all, of the search space.

Once the search space has been explored, the algorithm tries to identify, by means of some update rule, which of these proposed solutions are actually valid. In swarm intelligence algorithms such as Particle Swarm Optimization the different particles are ranked and checked against each other to see which has the most promising value. Then, exploitation kicks in, trying to take advantage of this information and trying to pull most of the swarm towards it.

In the topic of optimization algorithms, nature and bio-inspired metaheuristics have a special place when talking about convergence, stability, and significance.

First, convergence is usually measured as described in the section above, by means of a tolerance or a maximum number of iterations.

Stability is a harder topic in this matter, because of the random aspect of most, if not all, of the current popular nature and bio-inspired metaheuristics. Reproduciblity is a big factor, and almost always algorithms need to be run independently at least 30 different times, with 30 statistically independent random number generators. But even this won't guarantee that every single run will give a good solution to the problem.

At last, statistical significance is almost mandatory if one wants to have a solution that has an actual mathematical and statistical meaning. Because of randomness, the actual mechanism by which nature and bio-inspired metaheuristics are Markov Chains [4] which provide statistical tools to guarantee and promise that the values found are, indeed, the real ones. Hypothesis tests like the parametric t-test, the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon non-parametric test, and some others are the most popular statistical tests to prove significance of the values obtained from applying nature and bio-inspired metaheuristics.


  • 4Yang, X.-S. (2014). Nature-inspired optimization algorithms. In Elsevier Insights. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-6689-4_8
  • 1https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematical_optimization#History
  • 2https://web.stanford.edu/group/sisl/k12/optimization/MO-unit1-pdfs/1.1optimization.pdf
  • 3https://sites.math.northwestern.edu/~clark/publications/opti.pdf