
This is LeastSquaresSVM, a Least Squares Support Vector Machine (LSSVM) implementation in pure Julia. It is meant to be used together with the fantastic MLJ.jl Machine Learning framework.


It is a re-formulation of the classical Support Vector Machine (SVM) formalism. In this case we attempt to solve a least squares problem which is faster[1], instead of the classic quadratic, convex optimization problem that is solved in the original Support Vector Machine.

In the case of LeastSquaresSVM we use the conjugate gradient method, in particular the Lanczos version[2] due to the fact that we solve several linear systems which have the the following structure

\[A \mathbf{x} = \mathbf{b}\]

where the matrix $A$ is symmetric.

This fact makes it a great candidate for the Lanczos algorithm, a very fast, iterative procedure based on Krylov subspace methods. The implementation used here is that from the Krylov.jl package.


SVM has been the most known and used formulation, but here are some pros and cons for using LSSVMs and LeastSquaresSVM.


The LSSVM is a great alternative to the classic SVM in the following things:

  • Solving a linear system is much easier and faster than solving a quadratic optimization problem.
  • Some useful properties from numerical linear algebra can be exploited in order to solve the new optimization problem.
  • One can potentialy train of thousands or millions of instances using LSSVM, something that the classic SVM cannot do. This is possible using the fixed size LSSVM[3].
  • Less hyperparemeters to tune. LSSVM only has one intrinsic hyperparamter, whereas the SVM has at least two. This is without taking into account the kernel's hyperparameter.


But there are some important shortcommings for the LSSVM, namely:

  • In contrast with the classic SVM, the decision function lack all sparseness. Every single dataset instance must be used to train the LSSVM. This can become troublesome for very large problems because all the instances must fit into memory.
  • There is complete lack of interpretation for the support vectors, which are the data instances that are used to construct the decision function. Because all data instances are used, every instance is effectively a support vector and this removes any interpretation for the importance of each instance on the model's performance.


  • 1Suykens, J. A., & Vandewalle, J. (1999). Least squares support vector machine classifiers. Neural processing letters, 9(3), 293-300.
  • 2Fasano, G. (2007). Lanczos conjugate-gradient method and pseudoinverse computation on indefinite and singular systems. Journal of optimization theory and applications, 132(2), 267-285.
  • 3Espinoza, M., Suykens, J. A., & De Moor, B. (2006). Fixed-size least squares support vector machines: A large scale application in electrical load forecasting. Computational Management Science, 3(2), 113-129.